A ghostly bride-to-be roams the earth in search of her wayward groom. Could her haunting visage offer a clue to why she was left at the altar? As the Beckoning Beauty floats through your Halloween home, she’ll bring a spine-tingling spirit of uneasiness for all those who encounter her. She makes for a captivating display when projected on windows, walls – even TVs. And for a presentation that is sure to turn heads, when this beauty is displayed on Hollusion Projection Material, she will appear to be floating on thin air!
Decoration Includes
- 4 Roaming Hollusions (0:31, 0:33, 0:45, 0:29)
- 1 Startle Scare (0:14)
- 1080p HD Video Files in .MP4 Format
- Horizontal and Vertical Orientations Included
- Background Options: Haunted House or No Background
A ghostly bride-to-be searches for her wayward groom – might she have sinister intent?